Aus Karl Poppers Autobiographie "Unended Quest":
" is understandable that people who were despised for their racial origin should react by saying that they were proud of it. But racial pride is not only stupid but wrong, even if provoked by racial hatred. All nationalism or racialism is evil, and Jewish nationalism is no exception.
I believe that before the First World War Austria, and even Germany, treated the Jews quite well. They were given almost all rights, although there were some barriers established by tradition, especially in the army. In a perfect society, no doubt, they would have been treated in every respect as equals. But like all societies this was far from perfect: although Jews, and people of Jewish origin, were equal before the law, they were not treated as equals in every respect. Yet I believe that the Jews were treated as well as one could reasonably expect..."
Und betreffend den starken Zustrom in Wien infolge des Zusammenbruchs der Monarchie:
"...the reprehensive resistance to strangers (an attitude, it seems, which ist alsmost universal) was shared by many of the families oj Jewish origin"
In der Folge beschreibt Popper dann (leider zu umfangreich, um es hier einzufügen) noch die Situation der Juden in der Zwischenkriegszeit vor seiner Emigration nach England bzw. Neuseeland. Was dabei auffällt, ist seine distanzierte Einstellung zum Verhalten der tonangebenden Juden in Politik und Medien. Seiner Meinung nach wäre etwas mehr Zurückhaltung klüger gewesen, um den Rechten nicht in die Hände zu spielen (mein summary).
Das darf wohl auch nur ein K. Popper so sagen und es ist die Frage, ob er es sich heute noch trauen würde zu schreiben; das Buch ist erstmals 1974 erschienen.
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